Recite Me

Recite Me is an accessibility tool for all, allowing everyone the opportunity to use the internet in the way it is intended!

To access the Recite Me toolbar…

Once the Recite Me toolbar is open, you will see a range of options that allow you to customize your browsing experience. You can change the way you access the content on the site.

Accessibility Functions

Play Audio

This allows users to have the text read aloud, rewinding to the previous paragraph of text, or to skip forward to the next paragraph of text.

Text Options

This allows users to change the font displayed on the site, decrease the text size, or increase the text size.

Color, Ruler & Screen Mask

This allows users to change the background, text, and link colors on the site. Users can enable a reading ruler on the website. Users can also use the screen mask to create a letterbox for focused viewing of a section of the page.

Dictionary, Translation & Magnifier

Users can highlight and click the dictionary function to find the definition of a word. The translation feature allows users to translate text to another language. This magnifier allows users to click and drag the magnifying glass to enlarge text on the screen.

Plain Text Mode, Margins & Audio Download

Plain text mode allows users to remove images and view the site in plain text only. The margins feature changes the text dimensions by narrowing the width of the text column. Users can use the download audio feature by highlighting the text, then clicked the button to download text as an audio file.


Using this feature, users can adjust the recite settings, reset all setting to the default settings of the site, or access the Recite User Guide.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Tab to move to the next toolbar button.

Shift + Tab to go backward

Spacebar to select a button and to change toggles

ctrl + right to play next element

ctrl + left to play the previous element

ctrl + alt + p to play the current element

ctrl + alt + f to show font menu

ctrl + alt + c to show the theme menu

ctrl + r to enable or disable the ruler

ctrl + d to enable or disable the dictionary

ctrl + l to show translation languages

ctrl + x to enable/ disable text-only mode

ctrl+m to show page margin settings

ctrl + shift + o to show or hide settings menu

ctrl + s to save settings


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