In collaboration with North Mississippi Rural Legal Services and Mississippi Center for Legal Services Corporation, MCADV provides legal services to victims of interpersonal violence associated with the shelter programs, such as family law matters and other non-tort legal services in a civil context. Below is a list of some of the services MCADV can provide when the actions relate directly to interpersonal violence:
Emergency legal assistance such as restraining or protective orders • Emergency custody/visitation • Housing matters • Intervention with creditors, law enforcement and other entities on behalf of victim’s identity theft or financial fraud • Intervention with administrative agencies, schools/colleges and any other organization • Motion to vacate, expunge a conviction or a similar action as a result of victimization
Resources provides state-specific legal information and resources for survivors of domestic violence. also offers a confidential Email Hotline to offer direct support to survivors, their advocates, friends and family members.
North Mississippi Rural Legal Services
Mississippi Center for Legal Services Corporation
Mississippi Attorney General’s Office
Restraining Orders: 101 – Basic information on restraining orders, including the process for getting one, tips for filing, the types available to victims/survivors of domestic violence, and options for when an order is not granted.
Restraining Orders: Enforcement – Enforcement considerations for victims/survivors of domestic violence, including who can report a violation, how and when a violation can be reported, civil and criminal contempt, and how to enforce an out-of-state order.
Restraining Orders: Troubleshooting Common Issues – Common issues a victim/survivor could face when filing for a restraining order.
Restraining Orders: Covid-19 Considerations – How Covid-19 considerations have affected the court system and victims’/survivors’ access to legal proceedings.
Video: Protection Orders – How They Work / Cómo Funcionan las Órdenes de Protección
Video: Where and How to Start Your Court Case / Dónde y cómo iniciar su caso
How To Get A 10 Day Emergency Protection Order Quick Reference Guide