MCADV March 2020 Newsletter

MCADV Legislation and Review

As the 2020 Legislative Session gets into full swing, MCADV stands tall in advocacy and education at the State Capitol. With visits from shelter programs across the state, legislators are educated and eager to support lifesaving legislation for advocates, victims, and survivors of domestic violence. So far, MCADV and supporters have met and educated over 12% of our MS legislators about issues facing the fight to prevent domestic violence. Here are some great achievements for DV Legislation this year:

HB 1386 and SB 2557 – Advocate Confidentiality: With House Author Dana McLean and Senator Author Sally Doty, Advocate Confidentiality survived two major deadlines in the House and Senate and is still active legislation. On Tuesday, March 3rd, the MS House of Representatives passed HB 1386 unanimously pushing the bill one step closer to its final stages of passage. SB 2257 still awaits its day on the Senate floor as Senators take time to handle bills discussing rules and orders.

HB 1130 and SB 2704 – DV Fund Match Revisions:  House Bill 1130 and Senate Bill 2704 provide much needed revisions to MS Code Section 93-21-107. This statute outlines the match requirements for the Domestic Violence Fund administered through the Mississippi State Department of Health, Office Against Interpersonal Violence. The Domestic Violence Fund grants funds to state accredited shelter programs for projects, day-to-day costs, and other needed resources. Currently, the statute requires shelter programs to provide a 25% cash match for the funds given. With the decline of donations and sponsorships, shelter directors are burdened with finding funds to match the grant. Unfortunately, SB 2704 died in the Housing Senate Committee. Yet, with the help of Representative Angela Cockerham, HB 1130 moved out of committee and through the House Floor. The legislation will soon be added to the Senate Calendar for review and voting.

Although we have seen many wins so far this session, we are still on the grounds making our voice heard at the Capitol. Join us in advocacy by educating your legislators about HB 1386, HB 1130, and SB 225. For more information, email our Policy and Systems Coordinator at or give her a call at 601.981.9196.


We recognize the potential impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the communities here in Mississippi. Although it is not possible to know the course of the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, preparing now is the best way to protect people experiencing intimate partner violence, domestic violence shelter staff and volunteers from this disease. An outbreak of COVID-19 in your community could cause illness among people experiencing homelessness and/or lead to illness and absenteeism among service provider staff. Click below to view information on the Coronavirus and how to prepare and protect yourself and loved ones.

Practical Steps To Decrease the Spread of the Coronavirus

MCADV Has A New Look

Just in time for our 40th anniversary, we have upgraded our website to a more sleek and modern design. Our new website features a rallying message from our executive director emphasizing the decades of work the organization has provided within the state to support our member shelter programs and victims/survivors. The new enhanced site has resources and information such as a list of archived MCADV Newsletters, an updated map of our member shelters and services they provide, and multiple educational resources and helpful links. Newly supplementary sections, such as Men and Domestic Violence, add to the array of information that can now be found on the website. Click the link below to experience the new

MCADV Signs on to Brief of Amici Curiae

Amicus Curiae is a Latin word meaning friend of the court. It is filed by a person who is not actually a party to the case but brings a matter to the attention of the court. The point is to educate the court on points of law that are in doubt, gather/organize information, or raise awareness about some aspect the court might miss.

Brief of Amici Curiae Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project in Support of Appellant (Brief) was filed on March 6, 2020, by Beth L. Orlansky of the Mississippi Center for Justice. MCADV signed on in support of the brief. The brief was filed because an order on appeal raised a concern as to the application of Mississippi’s Protection from Domestic Abuse Law (Law). The Amici requests the Law should be applied to further the legislative intent and remedial purposes underlying the statute. The Law should be given a liberal interpretation, a broad application to further the intent of the Legislature and afford victims of domestic abuse the prospective protection envisioned by the statute.

The biggest issue discussed in the Brief is how threats constitute domestic abuse if they put the person in fear of imminent harm. The appeal involved a serious verbal threat which warranted a protection order from Justice Court. The domestic violence statute in Mississippi states that abuse is the act of placing a person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury by physical threat or menace. Verbal threats suffice if the person is placed in fear of imminent physical harm. “Physical menace” makes presence and overt physical acts necessary. Therefore, removing the limitation requirement of this underscores the recognition that verbal threats can reach a level of abuse that would warrant relief.

Risk of immediate harm is not required for fear of imminent harm. A statute that authorizes prospective relief and the core purpose being to avoid future violence, imminent should be given a broad application—meaning it can designate either an immediate event or something that can happen “soon.” A rigid requirement of fear or risk of “immediate” harm would frustrate the important legislative purpose. These threats are a form of abuse and heighten the fear of the survivor, especially when made with a history of physical abuse. 

MCADV’s 11th Annual Purple for Peace Event

MCADV is hosting our 11th annual Purple for Peace event. “Living Beyond the Mask,” is this year’s theme as we celebrate masquerade style. The gala will be held Friday, September 25, 2020, 6:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. at The Country Club of Jackson. The evening’s festivities will include fine dining, live entertainment, and a notable silent auction. Our guest presenter will be domestic violence survivor and inspirational speaker, Marissa Alexander. Save the date for a memorable event. More detailed information will be available soon.

In honor of MCADV’s 40th anniversary, we have initiated the 40 for 40 Campaign. Funds raised through this endeavor will allow us to better assist in enhancing our state’s victim service delivery system. Additionally, MCADV will be able to continue our work in supporting victims and survivors needing shelter and services, systemic advocacy, and legal services. To contribute to the 40 for 40 Campaign, click the link below.

Shelter Spotlight
Angel Wings Outreach Center

Angel Wings Out-Reach Center (AWORC) is an agency that provides emergency temporary shelter for individuals and families who have experienced domestic and family abuse.  Angel Wings Out-Reach Center was organized and incorporated in 1994 through the cooperative efforts of community leaders in Simpson County. These leaders saw a serious need for a facility for homeless individuals and their children to come to after leaving an abusive environment. AWORC’s mission is to provide a temporary place of safety and preventive services to any individual who has experienced domestic or family violence abuse. Located in rural Simpson County, AWORC remains on the front lines advocating and helping victims with many problems that many believe do not exist in a rural community. Angel Wings Out-Reach has been in operation for twenty-five years serving victims of domestic and family violence abuse. The agency provides emergency temporary shelter and services to seven counties: Simpson, Yazoo, Hinds, Rankin, Madison, Warren, and Issaquena.  AWORC is a 501(c) 3 registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit organization and with the State of Mississippi as a Charitable Organization.

On February 29, 2020, Angel Wings Outreach Center hosted their first Teen Summit at the National Guard Armory in Mendenhall, MS. WJTV 12 Morning News Anchor Candace Coleman served as the keynote speaker. The summit brought in over 175 teens from the surrounding area. AWORC’s main goal was to bring awareness to teens about dating violence, educate adults on the cause and effect of dating violence, and to show the importance of being aware of the environment that teens are exposed to. The Teen Summit Staff was able to get the views of attendees regarding what they thought about Teen Dating Violence and answer pertinent questions about healthy relationships. They also accomplished their goal of advising parents of how low self-esteem can lead to dating violence. AWORC provided advice to teens on how they could find help through the various programs the agency provides.

Click Angel Wings Outreach Center’s logo below to visit their website.

About Director
William Wright

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